Painless and Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Faster and Pain Less Hair Removal with E plus Laser
Unwanted hair on the face is one problem that’s faced by many a women from ages and the incidence is increasing now. It could be due to heredity, stress or hormonal disturbances such as PCOS, Hypothyroidism etc;There are temporary and permanent methods of unwanted hair removal. Among the temporary, shaving and hair removing creams are harmless, while threading, plucking and waxing give rise to increased hair growth as well as destroying the skin.
The permanent methods are Electrolysis and laser hair removal. Electrolysis is abandoned all over the world ( Except for few beauty clinics in India ) due to it’s side effects such as pitting, scarring, skin infections as well as incidence of AIDS and Hepatitis B, (due to improper sterilization of needles). This leaves only the lasers as the source for permanent hair reduction. Not all the lasers ensure Permanent Hair removal. NdYag Laser, though does not harm the Indian Skin, is not at all effective in removing the hair permanently, due to its longer wave length of 1064nm. The Diode Laser with it’s 810 nm wave length discharges all it’s energy at the hair follicle and destroys the hair follicle, the bulb and the bulge completely.
The latest innovation in to the Permanent Laser Hair removal scenario is E plus Laser, which with it’s 810 nm wave length Diode Laser combined with radio frequency destroys the unwanted hair from any part of the body faster and with minimal pain in both men & women. Hence it is popularly Known as “ Painless Hair Removal” all over the world. Above all E plus laser helps in getting rid of the Gray hair also to a reasonable extent, which is not possible with other lasers. The E plus Laser energy is absorbed by Melanin ( the black pigment present in the hair ), in the hair follicle resulting in the permanent destruction of the hair follicle, thus paving way for permanent hair removal in 6 to 8 sittings at monthly intervals.
This laser while destroying the hair root, preserves the surrounding skin. A unique patented contact-cooling hand piece helps to protect the skin while directing the laser energy to the hair follicle. The laser hair removal involves in destroying the dark , Coarse hair that are present over the skin while preserving the natural , thin hair present over your skin to give your skin a natural look instead of a clean shaven look as it happens with any other method of hair removal including electrolysis. Thus it enhances your appearance.
Some people find that the skin colour hair is also bothersome. In such cases even they can be removed too. It takes couple of extra sessions depending upon the skin texture and extent of hair. Above all E+ laser is the one that will help in reducing the Gray hair too, which no other laser can do.The patented E Plus laser is the “Only Diode and RF combination Laser for “Permanent Hair Removal” in the world to be approved by US FDA and Europe’s CE for it’s efficacy, performance and Permanency of results. The redness and puffiness in the area treated will disappear in about an hour’ time. It does not leave behind any permanent marks or scars. The E plus Laser is proven to be safe in all skin types including the darker skins of South Indians, it is faster (to treat an upper lip it takes about five to ten minutes), painless and permanent too.
Charges for Laser Hair Removal depend Purely on the extent of the Area to be treated. For Example the Upper Lip Treatment charges are Rs. 1700-00 Per Session. Other areas treatment charges will be assessed at the time of Consultation. Taxes Extra.